Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir
Hjorvar is een beeldend kunstenares uit IJsland en werkt in het spanningsveld
tussen tekst, tekeningen, installaties, beelden en fotografie. Met veel van
haar werken wil Hjorvar de onmacht illustreren om het verleden opnieuw tot leven te kunnen wekken. Hjorvor woont en werkt in Reykjavik en Amsterdam.
An actress plays the part of a corpse for the
duration of the exhibition and is complimented by a poster that illustrates the
same Hegelian principle.
The performance is based on a contradiction between
acting and being – it confirms the nature of metaphors when embodying its own
The poster that accompanies it expresses a
complimentary opposite of the performance; it is made of quotations that takes
the shape of an eye. The eye becomes the 'i' in the 'if' of 'I Don’t Care if It
Hurts.' While the specific quote is from a popular song by Radiohead, the pun
lies in the ambivalence of what or who 'It' is.
Cast: Christina Flick, Hilde Caroline Labadie,
Kimmy Ligtvoet